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Ghost of a Chance Page 10
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Page 10
“You thought of him?” Cole laughed. “Oh, God, that is good. That has got to be the first time that anyone has thought of—”
“Excuse me, sweetheart,” James told Tess tenderly as he spoke over Cole’s words. “I need to deal with one thing.” He turned, shielding her with his body. He locked his eyes on Cole. “This doesn’t concern you. I asked you politely to leave. I will not be asking again.”
Cole gave a little salute. “On my way out…” He sauntered forward, but then stopped near James. “Though, I have to say, it certainly sounds as if your friend has a problem. You know, the type of problem that Wilde agents know how to handle properly.” He angled his head around James so that he could see Tess. “Hi, there.” He flashed a grin. “I’m Cole Vincent, security professional. Did I hear that you have a little bit of a situation, Miss—”
“Doctor,” James snapped. “She’s Dr. Barrett to you, not that you need to be talking to her again. I can handle her problem.”
“But you don’t have to do it alone.” Cole shifted his attention back to James. “That’s what being part of Wilde means. You’re on a team. You have help. If you want to learn more about that team, then you know how to reach me. Of course, I’m assuming you have my number. If you don’t, I figure your hacker guy Barnes can get it.” He rolled back his shoulders and shifted his focus to Tess once more. “Very sorry about your break-in. Bet I could get a security team there by morning to install a system that would blow your mind.”
Actually, Wilde did have the best security systems. Mostly because Eric Wilde designed them himself, and the guy was constantly tweaking and updating his tech.
Eric owed him, so James would be calling in that favor. “She wants a new system,” James muttered. “Get it for her. Top of the line. The best you have.”
Cole flashed him a smile. “See, look at that! We’re already working together.”
James growled.
“Ah…excuse me.” Tess’s voice was stiff. “I didn’t say I was buying any new system. I just—I want to talk to James, all right? It was, um, nice to meet you, Cole—”
“Don’t lie, you know it wasn’t,” James rasped.
Cole’s eyes gleamed. “It was an absolute pleasure to meet you, Dr. Barrett. Very, very enlightening for me. In so many ways.”
Dude was a total prick.
“Though I am sorry about your break-in,” Cole added quickly.
“Tess,” she blurted. “Just call me Tess. We’re not in the ER so you don’t need to call me doctor. I mean—I’m Tess.”
James locked his back teeth.
“Tess.” Cole’s smile stretched. “I will be seeing you soon.”
Finally, he sauntered out, and did that asshole’s arm brush against Tess’s as he exited? It freaking did. James stepped after him.
Tess put her hand on his chest. “Please, I need to talk to you.”
He focused on her. Only her. He hated the fear in her eyes. Quickly, James shut and secured the door. “Do you want to sit down?”
Tess shook her head. “I…I didn’t feel safe there. In my own home.”
If an asshole had broken in, she damn well, wasn’t safe. “Did he break your locks?”
“No, and he didn’t set off the alarm system. I didn’t even know anything was wrong, not until I was inside. I had closed the door, turned off the alarm, and I had just flipped on the lights. That was when I realized what was happening. Or what had happened.”
“He could have still been in your home.” Rage burned through James. He took a quick step toward her.
“I know.” She swallowed. “That was my first thought, and I got out of there as fast as I could.”
The intruder could have been there—or he could have been waiting outside, anticipating that she would run. But, no, someone looking for a fast score wouldn’t stay around and wait…
Tess said she wasn’t sure anything had been taken.
The perp would stay around and wait…only if he wanted to hurt Tess.
“The lock looked fine, but if he got in once, he could get in again.” She wrapped her arms around her stomach. “I have to get new locks. I’ll call someone first thing tomorrow.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
“I can take care of my own life!” She blinked rapidly.
Oh, no. Oh, hell, no. Were those tears in her eyes? “Tess?”
“I shouldn’t be here.” She rocked forward. “Why am I here? Why did I run to you? I don’t do that. I take care of myself. That’s the way it’s been since I was thirteen.”
“You don’t have to take care of yourself. Let me help you.”
“I’ll stay in a hotel room tonight.” A nod. She didn’t even seem to be seeing him any longer. It seemed as if she was mostly just talking to herself as Tess doggedly continued, “I’ll be safe in a hotel. And tomorrow, I can get a new security system and new locks, and I’ll start the cleanup at my place. I’ll be fine.” Her chin notched up. “Sorry to bother you.”
Sorry to bother him?
The woman then had the nerve to march back for the door, all determined like, as if she was about to leave him. Like she was going to appear, decimate his world, and then vanish once more.
Pure Tess. Unpredictable. Maddening. Determined. Was it any wonder he was hooked on her?
He moved to the side, stepping into her path. “No.”
“No, what?” Her brow scrunched. “You don’t think I can get a new system tomorrow?”
“A new system will definitely be installed tomorrow. You’ll let me and my Wilde contacts take care of that because security is truly an area in which I excel.”
“It is?” Her doubting glance was semi-insulting.
“Let me do this for you because if you don’t, then I’ll worry and obsess and probably wind up sleeping outside your door.”
Her lips parted. “Why would you do that?”
“Because you matter. Because I want to make absolutely sure that nothing bad happens to you.” Bad things had happened to far too many people in his life. She was different. She had to be different.
He needed Tess to be okay. No, better than okay. He wanted her life to be perfect. Was that so much to ask? He didn’t think so. And if it was too much, he didn’t care.
“I’m paying for the system, James. I pay my own way, always.”
“The system is going to be free. Wilde owes me, so there isn’t a price for it.”
“Then I will owe you.”
He didn’t look away from her. “Fine. You owe me. And you can pay me right now.”
“Pay me with truth. I get to ask you three questions, and you answer me—absolutely honestly each time—and we’ll consider this deal paid in full.”
She shook her head. “That’s not how payment works.”
“That’s how it works for me. Now stop being adorable and answer my questions.”
Her jaw sagged open. Some of the worry finally eased from her face. “What?”
“You heard me. Stop being fucking adorable. It’s distracting. And you do it all the time. I’m starting to think you do it deliberately just to throw me off my game.”
She shook her head. “Are you crazy?”
“Some nights. And I think tonight is one of those nights.” He released a hard breath. “Question one. Why did you come to me? And don’t say that you don’t know. That’s not an option. Because you do know. Deep inside, you do, and I want to hear you tell me why.”
Silence. Hell. Had he pushed her too far? Time tick-tick-ticked on by, and he was about to tell her to forget it, that he was handling the security system and she could—
“Because I don’t feel scared when I’m with you. You have this weird way of making me feel safe.” The faintest hint of humor appeared in the darkness of her eyes. “Probably because of your superhero routine at the hospital. I feel like nothing can hurt me when I’m with you. And my first instinct—even before I called the police—I wanted to call you.”
/> “Next time, do that.” He cleared his throat. “You call me anytime, and I’ll immediately come to your side. Always know that.” She’d answered him honestly. That was a big freaking step. Tess might not realize it, but she’d just revealed that she trusted him.
Sure, she didn’t know who he really was, and if she did, her trust would vanish, but it was nice, having her trust him for the moment. Being the lover that she could count on.
“What’s the second question?” Another tendril escaped her bun.
“Where do you really want to stay tonight?” If she said a hotel, fine, he’d get her a hotel room. The best one in town. With the best security.
Her gaze lowered. He didn’t like that. He liked to stare into her dark, deep eyes and see—
She released a soft exhale. “With you.” Her gaze lifted. Her eyes locked on his. “I want to stay with you, and it goes back to answer one. You make me feel safe. I’m a little jittery because of the phone call and having you with me—not being alone—would make me feel better tonight.”
His temples throbbed. “What phone call?” She’d mentioned something about that before, but he’d gotten distracted by Cole’s asshole self.
“This morning, the call that came through while you were with me—”
“Yeah, it was that jackass Devin.” What had he done to set her off? “If he said anything wrong to you, I’ll take care of him. You don’t have to worry.”
Her tongue swiped over her lower lip. Delectable.
“No,” Tess answered slowly. “Before him.”
He blinked. His mind flashed back to her bedroom, that morning. She had gotten a quick call that morning. She’d had the phone to her ear for mere seconds before she’d put it down. But then the phone had immediately rung again, so he’d figured it was the same caller. “Who was it?”
“I don’t know.” Her gaze darted away, then back to him.
Uh, sweetheart. Why the hell did you just lie to me? Hadn’t he told her that he wanted honesty?
“Technically, that was question four,” she murmured.
“When you asked me, ‘what phone call?’—that was question three. And then when you asked, ‘Who was it?’—that was question number four. Just so we’re both following along correctly.”
Oh. So she thought it was okay to lie to him because he’d asked more than his allotted number of questions? That wasn’t how things worked. “Why did the call rattle you?”
Her delicate throat moved as she swallowed. “Because he said… ‘Found you.’”
James felt his muscles lock down. “Someone’s been looking for you?”
“I didn’t think anyone was.” Fear flickered in her eyes. “I didn’t think I had to worry about that, but the phone call came today, I almost got run down outside of the pantry, and now my place is trashed. It’s been a terrible day, and I’m scared.”
His hands had fisted. “Someone nearly ran you down?” She’d been in danger while he’d just been standing in his freaking club, pouting because she hadn’t called him? His vision bled to red.
“That…I don’t know exactly what happened. I mean, this big truck came out of nowhere when Latonya and I were on the crosswalk. He came right toward us, and we had to run.” She sniffed. “But we weren’t hurt. It scared me. That’s the reason I went home early. Normally, I go out and eat with Latonya after we work at the pantry. But I was rattled, and I wanted to go home.”
When she’d gotten home, the night had gotten even worse.
“I’m scared,” she confessed again. “When I’m scared, you make it better.”
He had to do it. James closed the distance between them. Wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her against him. “You don’t need to be afraid, baby.” Because I’m here. If someone comes at you…the fool will be a fucking dead man.
Cole Vincent strolled out of the club. He looked to the left, to the right, and inclined his head toward the bouncer who gave him a suspicious glance. Cole whistled softly as he walked away from the club, taking his time until he made it to the dark SUV that waited around the corner.
He opened the left rear door and jumped into the back seat.
“Jeez, man, you were in there for-freaking-ever.” The driver, Linc Dalton turned toward him. “I mean, if you are gonna have a sleepover with the guy, give us a head’s up next time. Don’t just leave our asses in the car. I got hungry out here. No, I got hangry.”
“Linc.” The woman in the passenger seat let out a frustrated sigh. “It wasn’t that long.” Blair Kincaid always seemed to have way more patience than her partner did. But even as Cole had that thought, Blair swiveled in her seat to face him and demanded, “What’s the verdict? Is James in?”
“Did you get a new partner?” Linc pushed. “Because I have got to tell you, I am getting real tired of sharing my partner with you.”
“Screw off, Linc,” Cole muttered as he ran a hand over his face. “I think we have a problem.”
Silence. He was pretty sure Linc and Blair exchanged one of their intense, partner-stares. Then Blair asked, “What kind of problem?”
“A problem who is about five-foot-five, with dark hair and chocolate eyes.” His hand dropped. “James Smith kicked me out before even hearing all of the details on Wilde’s offer because his lady burst in on our little chit-chat. I know fear when I see it, and the woman was terrified.”
“Uh, huh.” Linc drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “You’re telling me this lady went to James for help? She turned to an assassin? Jesus, what does she want…for him to kill someone for her?”
“I don’t know, but my gut was in knots even before I left.” Mostly because of the way James had acted around her. Focused. No, more than that. Obsessed? And it wouldn’t be a good idea for a guy like James to get hooked on anyone. “You know I had reservations about him.”
“You have reservations about everyone,” Blair pointed out. But she wasn’t being mean. He got that. He did have reservations about most folks. He’d been screwed over in the past. Lied to. Betrayed.
So he had some issues. Whatever. He was working on them.
“He kicked me out,” Cole admitted flatly. “Didn’t want me anywhere near the woman. Dr. Barrett. Dr. Tess Barrett.”
“How does an assassin hook up with a doctor?” Linc wanted to know.
“Maybe she likes bad boys,” Blair offered. “James totally qualifies in that category.”
“Seriously?” Linc’s fingers drummed again. “Is that what you like? Because I thought you were all about the military guys. But if it’s the bad boys who charm—”
“We are not talking about me. I was just saying—perhaps—this woman likes guys with an edge. I mean, come on, if you’re looking for bad, then look no further than James Smith.”
Cole’s eyes had adjusted to the dimness of the vehicle’s interior. He looked between Linc and Blair. “Yeah, okay. Maybe the doctor likes her guys bad, and in that case, well, she may have bit off more than she can handle.”
Blair nodded. “Does that mean that James isn’t interested in joining Wilde any longer? Because his freelance work was top-notch, and it’s going to be a major loss if he’s not coming on board for the case that’s waiting.”
Yes, they did need his skills. And his connections. But first… “He didn’t say no. He just told me to get my ass out.” Cole considered options. Angles. “Maybe you should approach him tomorrow, Blair. From what I’ve seen, the man has a soft spot for brunettes.”
“Fuck off,” Linc fired before Blair could respond. “She’s not flirting with the guy to get him to take the job.”
“Thanks, Linc.” She touched his shoulder. Then, even in the darkness, Cole caught her cold smile. “Fuck off, Cole. I’m not flirting with the guy. You’re the point of contact on this. You’re the one who was supposed to offer him the job. You’re the one who was supposed to convince him to come on—full-time—with us. And you’re the one who can go in
tomorrow and talk with him again.”
“Damn straight,” Linc growled. “And, hey, I have an idea. You’re a brunette. From what I’ve heard, Ghost has a soft spot for brunettes. Maybe try flirting with him—”
“Fuck off. God, I hate it when I get paired up with you two.” They always teamed up against him.
“And that,” Linc announced triumphantly, “is why you need your own partner. Tomorrow, get him to cooperate. Get him to join the team, and we can be out of this town by sunset.”
“Yeah.” Cole squeezed his eyes shut. “Unfortunately, I don’t think things are going to be that easy.” Linc and Blair hadn’t seen the way James stared at his pretty doctor. They’d missed the look in the fellow’s eyes. “For the record, I didn’t say Blair should flirt with the guy.”
“I’m glad you didn’t,” Linc fired back.
“I just said she should talk to him. He kicked my ass out. Thought he might treat her better. We need him, and I’m trying not to screw this up.” Because without his particular connections and skill set, the next case at Wilde would be a clusterfuck. “Hell. I’m gonna have to play nice with the assassin,” he groused as he opened his eyes. “Right?”
“Right,” Linc told him, all cheerful. “But don’t worry, we’ll have your back.”
“Now I feel so very reassured.” No, he fucking didn’t. But before he could rage about that—Linc always brought out his raging side—Cole saw two familiar figures exiting the club.
“Speak of the devil,” Blair said, voice a bit husky. “I’m guessing that’s the doctor cuddled so close to his side?”
Cole leaned forward. Sure enough, that was James, with his arm wrapped around the doctor’s shoulders. They were heading for a waiting limo. “That’s her.”
James let her slide in first, then he looked to the left and the right.
“Shit. Did he just make us?” Linc demanded.
James was staring at them a bit too long. Then he lifted his hand and flipped them off.
“I’d call that a yes,” Blair replied.
James followed his doctor into the car. The driver slammed the door shut behind him. A moment later, the limo was taking off.