Ghost of a Chance Page 12
“Does he always talk so freaking much?” James asked. He cut in deliberately because he didn’t want Linc to finish his rant.
“Sorry,” Linc said before one of the others could respond. He straightened his shoulders. “Had a whole lot of caffeine tonight. Makes me crazy. And I’m hangry. I talk more when I’m hangry.”
Good to know. James pinched the bridge of his nose. “So you’re all here because someone tailed me a few blocks, ditched you all, and escaped into the night?”
“Yes, basically,” Cole confirmed. “We thought you’d want to know.”
“I did.” James blew out a breath as his hand dropped his side. “Any identifying information that I can use?”
“Black sedan. Older model. The driver didn’t turn on head-lights. He was parked right outside of the club, so he was waiting for you to come out.”
“Um…” Tess rocked forward onto the balls of her feet. He hated that she was nervous, and he knew the others would also notice her telling movement. They were like him—they noticed tells from everyone and stored them for future reference. “Are you sure he was waiting specifically for James? Did you see when the sedan arrived at the club?”
The agents shared a quick look. A look he understood. No. Hell, they hadn’t seen it arrive.
“Maybe the driver wasn’t waiting for you, James. Maybe he was waiting for me.” Tess’s eyes turned darker with her worry. “I was in the limo with you. He could have been following me.”
“Why would someone want to follow you?” Linc asked. “There trouble happening in your life?”
Like the guy didn’t know. James was sure Cole had briefed both Blair and Linc on everything that Tess had said in the club.
As he stared at Blair and Linc, James realized they seemed truly concerned. And curious. Huh. Maybe he didn’t tell them.
James caught Tess’s hand in his. Then he moved in front of her. A deliberate move so that the others would understand that she was off limits. “There’s nothing else you need to know about Tess.”
He knew her secrets. Only because he’d dug deep and hard in her life. And, yes, he probably shouldn’t have fucking done that. Tess didn’t know that he’d ripped into her past the first night they’d met. But, when you’d been burned as many times as he had, you stopped being trusting. You looked for threats. You eliminated the threats before they could hurt you.
He knew her secrets, and he didn’t want the Wilde agents to know about them. He wanted to protect her. From every threat.
“Well, one of you was the target,” Linc noted. “So we thought you should get the heads-up.”
“Appreciate it.” He did. “Now, good night.” He kept up his position in front of Tess.
She nudged him. “Are they the Wilde people who will be putting in my new security system?”
Cole’s brows climbed up.
Tess nudged James again—and he realized that, shit, he’d forgotten to put on his shirt. He’d had the whole damn conversation in his jammies. Fucking figured. No wonder Linc was all smirky. Yeah, I’m a badass assassin, and I like silk pajamas. So screw off.
“I’ll be talking to their boss,” James muttered. “He’ll make sure the system is installed. I already told you, Tess,” he glanced back at her, “it’s a done deal. I’ve got it covered.”
“But if they are going to be involved, I would really like to pay them—”
“Why does she need a security system?” Blair asked, her voice very careful.
“Because there was a break-in at my place,” Tess explained. “That’s why James is letting me stay here tonight.”
Cole flashed a shark’s grin. “He is such a sweetheart like that. A real hero.”
I will kick your ass. “Thanks again for the info. It’s late.”
Cole made no move toward the door. “You still considering my offer? Because you know, in situations like this, it pays to have friends and not to pull the lone wolf routine.”
“I have plenty of friends.” He didn’t. Whatever.
“Fine, but we’re friends with special skills. Keep that in mind.”
“I also have plenty of skills, thanks.” Why were they lingering? What did they think he wanted, a friggin’ slumber party?
“We’ll be in town a bit longer, if you need us.” With that, Cole finally headed for the door. About time.
James followed because he wanted to make one hundred percent sure the Wilde agents left his property. Tess moved with him, but he turned. There were some things that she couldn’t hear. Or maybe I’m afraid for her to hear them all. “Baby, if someone is watching the building, I need you on the second floor. It’s the most secure space. I’ll be right back. I swear.”
She nodded. Grudgingly.
He made quick time of heading downstairs with the others. And when they were on the ground floor, clear of Tess, he knew that Cole would ask—
“So, what’s your take, Ghost?”
He didn’t stiffen at the use of his code name. He knew Cole’s use of the name had been deliberate. It was the name for a man who’d retired. He wasn’t Ghost, not anymore.
“Was the guy tailing you tonight after your lady upstairs?”
If the sonofabitch was, he’ll be sorry.
“Or was he after you?” Cole’s gaze held no emotion. “Did someone from your past just track you down?”
He hoped to hell not. Because if this was about his past—shit, no, he could not bring that kind of nightmare to Tess. “I don’t know.” A true answer. An honest one. “But I will find out.”
Linc and Blair stood by, silent and watchful.
Cole exhaled. “We can help. You get that, don’t you? I mean, it’s what Wilde does.”
“I’m not Wilde.”
“But you wanted to be. You busted ass, proving yourself on freelance missions, and I am here with the job offer.” For just a moment, Cole’s expression showed his confusion. “What’s changed? You wanted this so badly before.”
I want something else more now. Not just something else. Someone. And if he went with Wilde, that would mean he had to leave town. Leave Tess.
He wasn’t ready to do that.
“Priorities.” James shrugged. “They’ve shifted. For now, I’m not taking the job.”
“But you want your lady safe.”
He would do anything to keep her safe.
“So tell us what you need and let us help. Wilde owes you. Hell, you don’t need to call Eric. You can tell me right now, and we’ll give you whatever you need.” Cole’s voice was low. “You want a new system at her place? Consider it done. You want an extra protection detail? Done.”
“For now, let’s start with the security system.” As for everything else… “I have some digging to do. When I learn more, I’ll be in contact.”
“We’re not leaving town, not for a few days.” Cole didn’t move. The guy sure liked to linger. “If you need more from us, if you want help, we’re here.”
He wasn’t used to accepting help from anyone. Wasn’t used to needing it. But this was a different world. A different life.
“Just one more thing.” Blair’s voice was low. “Who put those marks on her neck?”
“A patient who got out of control. He’s been handled.” Flat.
“You sure?” Linc prompted.
“Damn sure.” With that, he got them out of his building. Was about to slam the door shut, when Linc threw up a hand and pushed it against the metal. “What now?”
“You obviously think this isn’t some random break-in situation. I can tell by the way you’re acting.” His gaze raked James. “So why is someone after that gorgeous lady upstairs?”
“That’s the big question, isn’t it?” James replied. “Don’t worry, I’m on it.”
“Good to know.” Linc’s smirk flashed once more. “By the way, love the jammies.”
“I will kick your ass.”
Linc snatched his hand back from the door. “Jeez,
you need to lighten up.”
“You need to fuck off.” He slammed the door. But James didn’t immediately turn away.
He breathed slowly. Deeply.
Could just be a break-in. Could be something random. Or…
Hell. If her past had come back to attack her, he would fight as dirty as necessary to protect her. Tess wasn’t alone this time. She wasn’t easy prey.
She had him.
And he wasn’t going anywhere.
Wilde could fuck off. The rest of the world could fuck off.
He would stay with Tess, no matter what.
The new guy in her life had money and power. A swanky limo. A driver.
Tess had run straight to him. She probably thought he would keep her safe. Probably thought she had nothing to fear when she hid behind that guy and his money.
She was wrong.
So wrong.
She had everything to fear because Tess had everything to lose. The new boyfriend didn’t know her. Not the real woman. He saw the pretty mask she wore. Saw the perfect woman that she pretended to be.
Tess wasn’t perfect. She was as far from perfect as it was possible to be.
When the new lover found out the truth, he’d kick her aside. Then Tess would have no one. She’d be all alone and vulnerable.
And I’ll be waiting.
“I thought he’d be scarier.” Linc slid behind the steering wheel.
Blair buckled up in the passenger seat.
In the back, Cole tried to figure out what in the hell his next move should be. Security system. Tess’s place.
“I mean, I read the dude’s bio. He was supposed to be this infamous hit man—the big, bad Ghost. He was the boogeyman. If he was after you, you were as good as dead.”
You weren’t as good as dead. You were dead.
“Wilde didn’t even know Ghost was working for the US government, hell, everyone thought he was working for himself, and in some circles, that’s still what people believe.”
In most circles. Because Ghost was a legend. He was a code name to most people. The Wilde agents knew the flesh and blood man, but few others did.
“I thought he seemed intense,” Blair said, speaking slowly. “He’s a man who has seen his fair share of hell. And you have to admit—just looking at the freelance work he’s done for Wilde—the guy can get the job done.”
Cole sighed. “Blair’s right. His resume speaks for itself.” It also gave him a few nightmares. “So we’re going to bide our time in Savannah for a bit. We’re going to find out exactly what’s happening with Dr. Barrett. You know Wilde agents stick together. We always have each other’s back.”
Linc angled toward him. “He’s not Wilde.”
“Not yet,” Cole agreed. “But we have to give the man time to think over our offer. Let’s show him how useful a team can be. He’s spent his whole life being a lone wolf. And you know what happens when you do that?”
“I’m not much for the lone lifestyle,” Linc replied, deadpan. “Though I do think of myself as more of an alpha.”
“In your dreams,” Blair muttered.
Cole ignored them and glanced through the window back out at the dark street. They didn’t get it—he knew that Linc and Blair, despite their bickering, had a deep bond. Partners, through and through. They didn’t know what it was like to have no one to depend on when the darkness closed in on you.
Cole understood. He’d been there before, and that was why he could relate to James.
When you were alone too long, you lost faith in the world. You lost hope.
If you weren’t careful, with the kind of work that they did, you could lose your soul, too.
Chapter Nine
“You still have bruises on your neck.”
Tess’s fingers fluttered over her throat. She’d been waiting in the kitchen for James to return, and he’d entered with silent steps.
“Do they hurt?” He headed toward her. His eyes were narrowed and locked on her neck. When he reached her, he lifted a hand, and his fingers feathered over her throat.
Her pulse immediately sped up like crazy beneath his touch. “N-no,” she stammered. “They don’t. Barely feel them.”
He caressed her again. “Why do you lie to me?”
“They don’t hurt. They—”
“If Frederick Waller ever puts a hand on you again, he’s dead.”
Now a chill blew over her. He’d learned her attacker’s name. Must have gotten the info from someone at the hospital. “I doubt our paths are ever going to cross again. I talked to his brother Morgan at the hospital. Frederick has had a problem for a while, and Morgan is trying to get him help. But sometimes, people don’t want to take the help that’s given to them.”
“No, they don’t.” He stared straight at her. “Are you going to accept my help?”
“I’m here, aren’t I? By the way, thank you for giving me a place to stay. I mean, I know we broke up and—”
“That’s the second time you said that shit. Let’s be clear. We didn’t break up.”
Oh? She sucked in a breath.
“We weren’t ever fucking together.”
Her heart squeezed at the surge of brutal pain that pierced right through her.
“No, correction.” His hand pulled away. “We were fucking, but that was all.” He turned away. Took a few steps—
“Stop.” Okay, she was almost shaking.
James stopped. His powerful shoulders flexed, but he didn’t look back at her.
“Why are you acting this way? You were the one who was fine with the arrangement. You were the one who first proposed it to me in your club. Now you’re trying to change up everything on me. What’s the new deal? You help me out with my security if I bare my soul to you? I have to tell you all of my secrets or there is no help to—”
“No.” He spun toward her. His eyes blazed with a barely banked fury. “There’s no price on my help. You’re in trouble? You need me? I’m there. Always. Simple as that.”
“Nothing seems simple with you.” She shook her head. “No, it was simple before. When we were meeting for sex, and it wasn’t anything else and it—”
“That’s the problem. I want something else.”
What if I don’t have anything else to give?
“With you, I found out that I was a possessive bastard. I don’t want secret moments from your life. I want everything. I want you moaning and screaming as you come for me. I want your dreams in the middle of the night. I want the fears that you try so hard to hold back, but that I can see creeping into your eyes when you think no one is watching.”
She took a step back.
“And I want your hopes. I want to know what you long for in the future.” He rolled back his shoulders. “That way, I can give it to you.”
Safety. That was what she wanted most. Safety and security. But she was coming to realize... “You’re not a safe man, are you?” He’d told her from the beginning, but she hadn’t believed him. That was on her. Well, kind of on her. Who would have believed the whole assassin turned club owner story?
Maybe she should have run from him the first night.
Wait, I did.
But then she’d run back to him. At the first sign of trouble, of pain, he’d been in her head. She’d gone to him. “I never did that before.”
His brow furrowed. “Okay, sweetheart, what the hell are you talking about?”
But she took another step back because her mind was spinning. She’d gone to him when she’d been in pain. After she’d lost her patient, she’d gone straight to him.
Then when someone had broken into her home, James had been the first person she’d thought about. She hadn't been able to get to him fast enough.
What did that mean?
“You’re scared of me, Tess. Dammit, I told you, you don’t ever need to be afraid of me.”
He was an assassin. An assassin. “You killed people.”
A mask slid over his face. “Yes.”
She shuddered.
“And you save people. You use your hands to help, and I use mine…” He stared down at his hands. “For an entirely different purpose.” He looked up at her. “That why you’re backing away? Because you realize the hands that touched you have blood all over them? I warned you, I told you from the beginning, I—” James stopped. Shook his head. “No, I fucking didn’t.”
She couldn’t move.
“I’m sorry.” His powerful shoulders sagged. “I knew you didn’t believe me when I told you what I used to do. Hell, who would believe me? And there was freedom in that. I got to tell myself that I’d been honest with you, but the truth was…I knew you wouldn’t want me touching you, not once you knew who I really was.” His hands fisted. “I knew this moment would come. Knew all along you were too good for me. I was tasting heaven when I should have just kept my ass in hell.” A hard nod. “You will stay safe. I guarantee that. There is no one who can protect you better than I can. I’ll find out what’s happening. I’ll find out and I’ll keep you safe, and then I’ll get out of your life, and you will never have to see me again.” His nostrils flared. “Go to bed, all right, Tess? I need you to go to bed now. I need to put space between us. I need—screw it. I could really use a damn drink.”
He strode away from her. Headed toward the bar.
She was still rooted to the spot. His words played in her head over and over again. He thought she was too good for him? That his hands were the only ones stained with blood?
She took a few halting steps toward him. “What about what I need?”
He whirled toward her.
She advanced a bit more. “Don’t you want to know what I need?”
“God, yes.” He waited, seemingly holding his breath.
A dam broke inside of her. A dam, a wall, whatever the hell internal protection she’d given herself. He’d told her about his past. All the dirty, dark parts.
Now it was her turn. Her head tilted forward, and her hair slid over her face. “I was thirteen when I killed him.” She didn’t look at James. Couldn’t. “I was…my parents were gone. My mom had tried to take care of me, but she got sick and she died, and my dad—he…” She swallowed. “He didn’t want me. He left me in the street, and, after that, I was afraid, I was so desperate. I was hiding from everyone, and I didn’t think anyone ever saw me. I didn’t think anyone noticed me until…” She wasn’t sure she could say this.